30.05.2024 | Poiminnat Uutiset

Evitec Solutions attains Silver Medal in Ecovadis’ sustainability rating

We are excited to announce that Evitec Solutions has received a new sustainability rating from EcoVadis.

Committed to continuous improvement

Our overall sustainability score is 66 / 100 and we have advanced to the next level by achieving a Silver Medal.

The Silver Medal puts us in the top 15 % of all the companies assessed by EcoVadis.

Our overall score for the 2023 evaluation increased by eight points since the last assessment. The IT industry average is 48/100, which has also improved from last year as all the evaluated companies have worked hard to better their scores.

EcoVadis is an external party that analyzes sustainability efforts and suggests areas to improve. The sustainability score covers four themes that track performance across 21 indicators. These four main themes are:

  1. The Environment
  2. Labor & Human Rights
  3. Ethics
  4. Sustainable Procurement

We are actively implementing several initiatives to further enhance our sustainability efforts identified by EcoVadis. Notably, we have made significant strides with the ISO27001 certification and a comprehensive review of our sustainable procurement processes.

Our journey towards sustainability is ongoing, and achieving a more sustainable supply chain remains a priority. We are committed to continuous improvement, which allows us to respond effectively to market demands and support sustainable development goals.