Evitec Solutions Gorilla

Evitec Solutions Gorilla (ES Gorilla) is a debt collection and risk management system intended for companies who track and recover receivables. ES Gorilla contains a large number of different functions and methods related to risk management and debt collection, which the user organization can chain as they wish and thus support fully their own processes.

Evitec Solutions Gorilla streamlines the debt collection process. This debt collection system is the right choice for everyone with a significant amount of receivables. A solution for debt collection, risk management, invoice monitoring or collection outsourcing monitoring and guidance. From the market’s most experienced supplier with the widest selection of debt collection methods.


  • Productivity increases
  • Manual work and human errors are reduced
  • Enables better and more individual debt collection processes
  • Continuous development in terms of debt collection methods and technology
  • Tailored and ready-made integrations bring work amount savings

Key features

  • Soft and hard debt collection as well risk and invoice management
  • The most comprehensive range of debt collection methods
  • Automated and fully configurable processes
  • Scalable and adaptable

Got interested?
Contact us

Tomi Heiskari

Financial & Industry Solutions

+358 40 707 9426