Evitec Solutions developed Fullmaktsnoden (the Power of Attorney node) together with Länsförsäkringar

A few years ago, Länsförsäkringar implemented a project together with Evitec that resulted in a change of payment system. Later, Evitec Solutions developed an internal application (Fullmaktsnoden) with a connection to Fullmaktskollen.se together with Länsförsäkringar.
Fullmaktskollen.se is an external service for managing powers of attorney for pensions and life insurance. This makes it simpler for private individuals and businesses to obtain an overview of their powers of attorney. The service also makes it possible to sign powers of attorney and revoke them.
Fullmaktsnoden streamlines and secures the management of Länsförsäkringar’s process for powers of attorney.
Fullmaktsnoden is a separate application integrated with Fullmaktskollen.se. The architecture consists of four components: web user interface (for management of powers of attorney), WCF Service (for management of external and internal services), batch management and SQL Server database.
-As our collaboration with Evitec Solutions has worked outstandingly well, it was quite natural to run a new project together with them. Our experience is that Evitec Solutions has deep knowledge and extensive skill in IT development and that they moreover have an excellent outstanding of how the Swedish insurance market works, says Mats Henebratt from the Life Business Unit at Länsförsäkringar AB.
We can already see positive effects from this delivery.
-When we draw up powers of attorney for customers, the process is now entirely digital and for powers of attorney received, the manual work has decreased by around 80%. In addition, we are now better able to inform our advisers when powers of an attorney from an existing customer come in from our competitors, adds Peter Adle, who is in charge of the introduction.
The Länsförsäkring group comprises 23 local county insurance companies which in their turn are owned by their insurance customers. Länsförsäkringar AB has the task of the county insurance companies of operating all business within banking and insurance, operating strategic development work and providing service to companies within the area that create efficiency and economies of scale.