The symphony of innovation – Heikki’s journey with Evitec Solutions Bonds

Heikki Halonen, Product Manager
– Evitec is more than a workplace to me, it’s a second family. Over two decades of social networking, I’ve seen colleagues evolve into more than just co-workers – they’re the heartbeat of this journey, says Heikki Halonen, Product Manager at Evitec Solutions.
Meet Heikki, an experienced professional with two important chapters in his career at Evitec Solutions. In the dynamic world of financial technology, Heikki’s journey at Evitec has been a tale of evolution and commitment. Having crossed different domains and industries, he found his way back to Evitec, a place that felt like home, and embarked on a transformative journey spanning a total of eight years.
The first chapter saw Heikki laying the foundation as a project manager before moving to the role of a senior developer. A brief departure saw him explore a new industry, yet the gravitational pull of Evitec proved strong. Returning after four years, he embraced the challenge with new strength, where he became Team and Service Manager for Business Intelligence, navigating the labyrinth of database technologies. Then came the shift – a change to become the Product Manager for Evitec Solutions Bonds.
Enabling sustainability
Evitec Solutions Bonds, as Heikki passionately explains, is more than a management system, it’s an enabler for driving sustainability, since covered bonds can finance projects that benefit both the environment and society, playing a crucial role in achieving EU targets of net-zero emissions by 2050. Heikki compares the sophisticated process of pooling mortgages to an art form and says:
– Pooling mortgages for Bonds is like orchestrating a delicate ballet of algorithms. The automated optimization ensures stability, higher credit ratings, and lower costs for banks. The pool, a carefully curated collection of mortgages and collaterals, is the lifeblood of the system.
Heikki’s role isn’t limited to boardrooms and strategy meetings. It exceeds into the domain of sales support, pre-sales, and ensuring the product meets not just technological needs but fulfills the aspirations of a global vision.
The art of Evitec Solutions Bonds
Heikki, in his role as a Product Manager, becomes the conductor of this symphony. Using state-of-the-art technology enables the key notes such as e.g., cloud native solutions, sustainable and green bond, as well Software as a service (SaaS) – a software distribution model.
The journey, however, doesn’t end here. Heikki, with a twinkle in his eye, foresees a future where Evitec Solutions becomes the Nordic prime vendor for pooling solutions supporting Evitec Solutions Bonds on the international stage. The role of cloud enabler and SaaS results as a catalyst for this global stride, aligning with Evitec’s overarching strategy and accelerating growth.
In this journey, Heikki incorporates not just a Product Manager role, but an enabler for sustainability in the finance industry, a technologist pushing the boundaries, and a nurturer of a workplace culture that feels like family.
Evitec, through the lens of Heikki’s journey, comes out as a lighthouse in the financial technology landscape, mapping out a course towards international expansion with Evitec Solutions Bonds as the guiding star.

Heikki Halonen, Product Manager